Wednesday 2nd November, 2011

True Wealth

I think I overdid the walking yesterday. My hip is more painful than it has been for a couple of weeks and I have stressed my right knee a little. As a result, I am back on crutches and morphine today. In the scale of things, these are trivial problems, but it does teach me patience.

Our original plan was to build up my strength by walking a little further than yesterday. That had to be modified because of problems with my hip. Sue was going to a Ladies Bible Study group at St. Mary's. I decided to go with her and wait in the coffee shop, where I could do some work. We did fit in a short walk (with crutches).

I am amazed at the amount of activity at St. Mary's in the week. I found it quite hard to work, partly because I did not sleep well last night and was very tired and partly because of the number of people who wanted to speak to me.

After lunch and a short "power nap", I did manage to do a few hours work.

The highlight of the day was the Guest Supper and talk at St. Mary's. I did take a guest, who I felt needed reminding about the basics of Christianity.

We started with an excellent meal, which was followed by a relatively short talk by our guest speaker Vaughan Roberts. The auditorium at St. Mary's filled up with people who did not come for the meal. There must have been in excess of 300 people present.

The title of the talk was "True Wealth" and the theme was that wealth does not equate to money in the bank and material possessions. Vaughan started with the story of Howard Hughes who, financially, was the richest man in the world, yet he died a lonely man, with matted hair that had not had any attention for more than 3 years, with inch long fingernails and weighing around 6 stones (84 pounds). He had not been outside for more than quarter of a century. Was he really "rich" when he died.

Vaughan's message was
(1) True wealth is built on relationships, with other people and God.
(2) True wealth is permanent and a relationship with God transcends death.
(3) True wealth cannot be earned. Jesus Christ died to enable us to have a permanent relationship with God.

What about material possessions?
Don't ask how much of OUR wealth we should give to God. Consider all of our wealth as God given and ask what God wants us to do with it?

If you are interested in hearing what Vaughan had to say, you can listen to a recording from the St. Mary's website.

Did my guest respond to the message? I don't know. He listened and the message may lay dormant in his mind for many years. I have to have faith that at some time in the future he will respond. It may be next week, it may be 20 years in the future. Only God knows.